Each individual has their own beliefs (or "disbelief" in the case of atheists, lol), and here I am no different from any other.
I'm not a fan of a belief in supernatural phenomena based solely on personal and individual experience , by contrast, I believe in something tangible that's recorded since the early days in the Holy Scriptures.
Contrary to what many think, the faith is not merely mystical, but it goes hand in hand with reason. Faith by definition is the belief that something is not seen, but expected, and it seems that faith is totally in contrast to the reason, but it may be noted that the reason is the "root of faith." Because if someone does not understand something then you can not believe in that something.
I understand that faith has a spiritual origin, but in relation to human behavior, it acts making we face what we expect as a living reality and immutable. For this, we start from the principle that complete faith in the gaps that the reason still does not answer why.
That is, religious belief shows a beginning, middle and end, so rational, and faith works by transforming theories into facts to those who believe.
Therefore, faith and reason should rather be allies in the understanding of life, helping them to each other.
I'm not a fan of a belief in supernatural phenomena based solely on personal and individual experience , by contrast, I believe in something tangible that's recorded since the early days in the Holy Scriptures.
Contrary to what many think, the faith is not merely mystical, but it goes hand in hand with reason. Faith by definition is the belief that something is not seen, but expected, and it seems that faith is totally in contrast to the reason, but it may be noted that the reason is the "root of faith." Because if someone does not understand something then you can not believe in that something.
I understand that faith has a spiritual origin, but in relation to human behavior, it acts making we face what we expect as a living reality and immutable. For this, we start from the principle that complete faith in the gaps that the reason still does not answer why.
That is, religious belief shows a beginning, middle and end, so rational, and faith works by transforming theories into facts to those who believe.
Therefore, faith and reason should rather be allies in the understanding of life, helping them to each other.
Olá! Eu vi o seu comentário no artigo sobre Martin Luther King e percebi relativismo da sua parte e gostaria de saber: O que realmente caracteriza um cristão em sua opinião? Por que se analisarmos uma cristão APENAS por suas boas ações (o caso de King) que diferença terá de um espírita kardecista, maçom, mórmom, ou até mesmo um benevolente ateu? Sei que ortodoxia sem amor é rigidez legalista, mas também percebo que ortopraxia sem a verdade é hipocrisia farisaica. Seo conhecimento da Verdade Absoluta nõ temos como fazer diferenciação entre crentes e descrentes. Precisamos da cosmovisão correta no Deus único, bíblico e Verdadeiro, para que nossas obras não sejam meras demonstrações exteriores de uma espiritualidade plástica e superficial. Nossas ordens principais foram: Adorar ao Senhor e anunciar o seu Evangelho (que é a maior prova de amar o próximo). Espero que reflita que nem todos os que asseveram: Senhor Senhor, herdarão o Reino Dele (Mateus 7:21)
Deixo o salmo 11:3 para que você analise sua postagem e perceba a visão bíblica do Reino: "Se forem destruídos os fundamentos, que poderá fazer o justo?"
Evangelista Eduardo França é autor do DVD: Milagres: De onde eles procedem? (Categoria: APOLOGÉTICA. À venda nos sites: CACP, MCK e MERCADO LIVRE). Co-Fundador e articulista do blog Guardian Faith: www.guardianfaith.blogspot.com
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